Formica cinerea imitans Ruzsky, 1902 an obsolete combination of Formica imitans Ruzsky, 1902
Formica cinerea var. imitans Ruzsky, 1902b: 472 (w.) RUSSIA. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Dlussky, 1967a: 65). Primary type locality: lectotype Russia: Orenburg, Orskie County, Guberlinsk, viii.1894 (M.D. Ruzsky). Primary type depository: ZISP. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: paralectotype workers (number not stated). Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depositories: ZISP, ZMUM. Secondary type specimen: CASENT0905706. Type notes: Other original syntype localities: Samara and W Siberia (= Russia), Kyrgyz steppe (= Kazakhstan), and Caucasus (= Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, or S Russia).