Emery, 1924f: 262, 263 (Myrmoxenus, Epimyrma); Bolton, 1995b: 188 (Epimyrma); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 429 (Afrotropical checklist); Qian & Xu, 2024: 4 (China species list).
Emery, 1916a: 189 (Epimyrma Italy species key); Bondroit, 1918: 139 (Epimyrma France & Belgium species key); Emery, 1924f: 262, 263 (Myrmoxenus, Epimyrma diagnoses); Menozzi, 1931c: 36 (Epimyrma diagnosis, all species key); Bernard, 1967a: 216 (Epimyrma diagnosis, Western Europe species key); Kutter, 1973f: 281 (Epimyrma species, notes); Kutter, 1977c: 138 (Epimyrma Switzerland species key); Buschinger et al., 1987: 253 (Epimyrma partial revision); Agosti & Collingwood, 1987b: 276 (Epimyrma Balkans species key); Buschinger, 1989a: 265 (Epimyrma evolution, speciation); Seifert, 1996b: 118 (Myrmoxenus Central Europe species key); Cagniant & Espadaler, 1997: 268 (Epimyrma Morocco species key); Bolton, 2003: 270, 271 (Temnothorax genus diagnosis, component species); Radchenko, 2004: 131 (Eastern Palaearctic species key); Radchenko, 2005b: 193 (North Korea species key); Seifert, 2007: 117, 120 (Myrmoxenus, Leptothorax, Temnothorax North and Central Europe species key); Terayama, 2009: 181 (Taiwan species key); Zhou et al., 2010: 9 (China species key); Eguchi et al., 2011: 29 (diagnosis, Vietnam synopsis); Czechowski et al., 2012: 366 (Poland species key); Bharti et al., 2012: 334 (India species key); Snelling et al., 2014: 80 (California species key); Prebus, 2015: 29 (Afrotropical species key); Salata & Borowiec, 2015c: 139, 147 (Eastern Mediterranean Temnothorax recedens group, Temnothorax muellerianus group keys); Radchenko et al., 2015 161 (Caucasian species); Csősz et al., 2015: 12 (Temnothorax nylanderi group key); Bharti et al., 2016: 752 (India species key); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 428 (diagnosis); Galkowski & Lebas, 2016: 83 (species with body entirely black, key); Radchenko, 2016: 214 (Ukraine species key); Cantone, 2017: 241 (brief male diagnosis); Catarineu et al., 2017: 143: (Iberian Temnothorax laurae group species key); Sharaf et al., 2017: 10 (Arabian Peninsula species key); Galkowski & Cagniant, 2017: 190 (Temnothorax angustulus group, key); Prebus, 2017a: 1 (phylogeny, biogeography, natural history); Prebus, 2017b: 1 (generic classification review, fossil record review); Csősz et al., 2018: 106 (Turano-European Temnothorax interruptus species group key); Salata et al., 2018: 801 (Greece: Crete I. species key); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 825 (Colombia species); Salata & Borowiec, 2019b: 86, 91, 121 (Greece species groups, species group key, Temnothorax aveli group key); Sharaf & Aldawood, 2019b: 607 (Arabian Peninsula species key); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 825 (Colombia species); Rasheed et al., 2020: 380 (Pakistan species key); Yusupov et al., 2020: 355 (Indian Himalayas species key); Yusupov et al., 2020: 351 (Pakistan species key); Prebus, 2021a: 307 (Temnothorax salvini group species phylogenomics); Prebus, 2021b: 3 (Temnothorax salvini clade phylogeny, divergence dates, biogeography, species delimitation), 25 (key to principal clades of Temnothorax (workers)), 33 (Temnothorax salvini clade diagnosis (workers)), 34 (key to Temnothorax salvini clade species (workers)), 67 key to Temnothorax salvini clade species groups (reproductive caste forewings)), 68 (Temnothorax salvini clade synopsis, including species groups), 74 (Temnothorax acuminatus group overview), 85 (Temnothorax acutispinosus group overview), 89 (Temnothorax altinodus group overview), 93 (Temnothorax annexus group overview), 121 (Temnothorax augusti group overview), 142 (Temnothorax casanovai group overview), 148 (Temnothorax fuscatus group overview), 174 (Temnothorax goniops group overview), 200 (Temnothorax misomoschus group overview), 205 (Temnothorax pastinifer group overview), 236 (Temnothorax pergandei group overview), 254 (Temnothorax pilicornis group overview), 258 (Temnothorax pulchellus group overview), 345 (Temnothorax rugosus group overview), 358 (Temnothorax salvini group overview), 421 (Temnothorax subditivus group overview), 441 (Temnothorax tenuisculptus group overview), 447 (Temnothorax terrigena group overview); González, 2021: 155 (key to Iberian Temnothorax sordidulus species-complex workers); Prebus, 2021b: 25, 34 (New World clades key, Temnothorax salvini clade species key); Salata & Borowiec, 2022: 139 (review of Temnothorax anodontoides species-group from Greece), 143 (Temnothorax anodontoides species-group key for Greek species, definition of group); Schifani et al., 2022: 171 (worker-based key to Sicilian species with light-colored pigmentation and concolorous antennal clubs); Salata et al., 2023: 51 (Greece Temnothorax graecus species-group revision), 53 (synopsis, key to Temnothorax graecus species-group species from Greece); Subedi et al., 2023: 14 (Nepal species key (workers)); Hamer et al., 2023: 129 (China species key); Báthori et al., 2023: 1 (host-switching, speciation, diversity, host preference, divergence in Myrmoxenus); Salata et al., 2024: 6 (Cyprus synoptic list, worker key); Qian & Xu, 2024: 1 (review of China species), 70 (China worker key); Csősz et al., 2024: 11 (Temnothorax unifasciatus complex); Csősz et al., 2024: 194 (western Europe Temnothorax luteus complex worker key); Báthori et al., 2024: 8 (Temnothorax corsicus group synoptic list, queen and worker key); Wei et al., 2024: 425 (China Leptothorax, Temnothorax key); Prebus et al., 2024: 189 (eastern United States species synopsis), 191 (eastern United States worker key). [Note: prior to 2003 Temnothorax references are included under Leptothorax.]
Extant: 501 valid species (90 synonyms, 15 homonyms, 2 unidentifiable, 2 unavailable, 8 obsolete combinations, 3 unavailable misspellings), 33 valid subspecies (78 synonyms, 6 homonyms, 2 unavailable, 12 obsolete combinations)
Fossil: 1 valid species (6 obsolete combinations)