Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus (Forel, 1912) an obsolete combination of Acromyrmex brunneus (Forel, 1912)
Atta (Acromyrmex) subterranea var. brunnea Forel, 1912f: 181 (w.) Gonçalves (1961: 167), in his revision of the genus Acromyrmex in Brazil, synonymized the Atta (Acromyrmex) subterranea var. brunnea Forel, 1912f under the name Atta coronata subterranea brunnea Forel, 1911e. BRAZIL (Santa Catarina). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated). Primary type localities: Palmeiras, Prov. Rio, Brésil (Goeldi); Sao Paulo (Brésil); Ceara, Brésil (Diaz da Rocha); Teixeira Suares, Brésil (Sampaio). Primary type depository: MHNG.