Amyrmex golbachi Kusnezov, 1953 an obsolete combination of Leptanilloides golbachi (Kusnezov, 1953)
Amyrmex golbachi Kusnezov, 1953c: 335, 6 figs. (m.) ARGENTINA (Tucumán). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype male. Primary type locality: Argentina: Tucumán, San Ramon, 10.v.1948, no. 1892 (R. Golbach). Primary type depository: IMLT. Type notes: Shattuck, 1994: 93, and Cuezzo, 2000: 271, treat as paratypes three other males mentioned by Kusnezov, 1953c in “material examined”. However, in the original description the single specimen from San Ramon is nominated as holotype, the other three are noted only as “material examined”, not as paratypes.