Crematogaster lineolata cerasi punctinodis
Enzmann, 1946
Type notes:
Material included: U.S.A.: Massachusetts, Dedham, no. 3, 3B, 3C (J. Enzmann); workers, queens, males, deposited “in my private collection”; whereabouts unknown, now lost (no type status).
Bolton, B. 1995b. A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 504 pp.
Brown, W. L., Jr. 1949a. Synonymic and other notes on Formicidae (Hymenoptera). Psyche (Cambridge) 56:41-49.
Creighton, W. S. 1950a. The ants of North America. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 104:1-585.
Enzmann, J. 1946c. Crematogaster lineolata cerasi, the cherry ant of Asa Fitsch; (with a survey of the American forms of Crematogaster, subgenus Acrocoelia). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 54:89-97.
Smith, D. R. 1979. Superfamily Formicoidea. Pp. 1323-1467 in: Krombein, K. V.; Hurd, P. D.; Smith, D. R.; Burks, B. D. (eds.) 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. i-xvi, 1199-2209.
Smith, M. R. 1951c. Family Formicidae. Pp. 778-875 in: Muesebeck, C. F. W.; Krombein, K. V.; Townes, H. K. (eds.) 1951. Hymenoptera of America north of Mexico. Synoptic catalogue. United States Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Monograph 2:1-1420.
Smith, M. R. 1958c. Family Formicidae. Pp. 108-162 in: Krombein, K. V. (ed.) 1958. Hymenoptera of America north of Mexico. Synoptic catalogue. First supplement. United States Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Monograph 2(suppl. 1):1-305.