Crematogaster sewellii Forel, 1891 valid
Crematogaster inermis r. sewellii Forel, 1891c: 196, pl. 6, fig. 9 (w.) MADAGASCAR. Malagasy.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Blaimer & Fisher, 2013b: 51). Primary type locality: lectotype Madagascar: Fianarantsoa (L. Besson). Primary type depository: MHNG. Primary type specimen: CASENT0101599 (lectotype). Secondary type information: Secondary type material: >6 paralectotype workers (number not stated). Secondary type localities: 6 paralectotypes Madagascar: Fianarantsoa (L. Besson), paralectotypes (number not stated) Madagascar: Imerina, Antananarivo (P. Camboué) (invalid restriction of type locality by Wheeler, 1922: 1023; no lectotype designated). Secondary type depository: MHNG.
Obsolete combinations
Current subspecies (nominal plus)

Extant: 2 valid subspecies (2 synonyms, 2 obsolete combinations)