Primary type information:
Primary type material: lectotype male (by designation of
Kempf, 1971: 387). Primary type locality: lectotype Brazil: Goyaz (= Goiás), Campinas, 5.v.1933, at light (
P.J.S. Schwarzmaier). Primary type depository:
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: >6 paralectotype workers, 1 paralectotype “ergatoid queen”. Secondary type locality: 6 paralectotype workers, 1 paralectotype “ergatoid” Brazil: Goyaz (= Goiás), Campinas, 6.ii.1936 (
R. Spitz), and “several workers from the same locality (Campinas), taken at different times” (
P.J.S. Schwarzmaier). Secondary type depository:
Type notes:
Kempf, 1971: 387, points out that the “ergatoid queen” is in fact a mermithergate.