Dorymyrmex goetschi Goetsch, 1933 valid
Dorymyrmex goetschi Goetsch, 1933a: 27, fig. 1 (w.) Attributed to Menozzi. CHILE. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated, “several”). Primary type localities: Chile: Punta Colorada (W. Goetsch) (invalid restriction of type locality by Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 97; no lectotype designated), Chile: Zapallar, no. 81 (W. Goetsch), Chile: Caldera, no. 117 (W. Goetsch). Primary type depository: IEUB. Type notes: Localities data are from Menozzi, 1935c: 322.