Lepisiota splendens (Karavaiev, 1912) junior synonym of current valid taxon Lepisiota nigra (Dalla Torre, 1893)
Acantholepis frauenfeldi var. splendens Karavaiev, 1912b: 586 (w.q.) GREECE (Crete). Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated), 1 syntype queen. Primary type locality: workers, queen Greece: Crete I., vic. Kanea, on the shore, 13.iii.1910 (T. Shebunin & N. Tshebotarev), workers with same data but 5.iii.1910. Primary type depository: NMAS (perhaps also SIZK). Type notes: Martynov & Radchenko, 2016: 246, cite 7 worker syntypes in NMAS (plus 403 workers in alcohol).
Obsolete combinations