Linepithema riograndensis (Borgmeier, 1928) junior synonym of current valid taxon Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868)
Iridomyrmex riograndensis Borgmeier, 1928b: 64 (w.) 1) N Wurttemberg[Neu Wurttemberg, = Panambi, Rio Grande do Sul state]. BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated, “numerous”). Primary type locality: Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, Neu Wuertemberg, x.1914 (E. Garbe). Primary type depositories: MZSP, NHMB, SIZK. Type notes: 1) Kostyuk, 1976: 99, and Radchenko et al., 2024: 284, cite 2 worker syntypes in SIZK. 2) Baroni Urbani, 1977e: 77, cites 9 worker syntypes in NHMB. 3) A lectotype and 7 paralectotype workers designated by Wild, 2007a: 61, bear the data: Rio Grande do Sul, 19.i.1918 (no collector’s name), which does not correspond to Borgmeier’s original type data. 4) The syntype specimens studied by Wild at MZSP, and labeled by him as lectotype (1 W) and paralectotypes (6 W), are all from the type series. Also, MZSP houses other 6 workers, labeled by Borgmeier as syntypes and cotypes, all from the same type series, are now considered paralectotypes.
Obsolete combinations