Temnothorax microcellatus (Soudek, 1925) junior synonym of current valid taxon Temnothorax menozzii (Finzi, 1924)
Myrmetaerus microcellatus Soudek, 1925a: 33, figs. 1-6 (w.q.) CROATIA. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated), 1 syntype queen. Primary type locality: Croatia: Dalmatia, Gulf of Kotor (Cattaro), Savina Monastery, nr Erceg Novi (Castelnuovo) (S. Soudek). Primary type depository: NHMP. Type notes: 1) Bezdĕčková et al., 2017: 299, cite 2 syntypes in NHMP. 2) Báthori et al., 2024: 33, cite 1 worker, 1 queen syntypes in NHMP.
Obsolete combinations