Simopone emeryi Forel, 1892 valid
Simopone (Cerapachys) emeryi Forel, 1892o: 247 (w.) Note: the combination Simopone (Cerapachys) is an error for Cerapachys (Simopone), as Forel, 1892o: 243, keys Simopone among the subgenera of Cerapachys. MADAGASCAR. Malagasy.
Primary type information: Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Madagascar: Nosibé, village de l’Imerina (Sikora) (= data label on holotype); Environs de la ville d’Anosibé (province de Bezanozano), à trois journées à l’est-sud-est d’Antananarivo (Sikora) (= published locality data). Type-depository: MHNG. Type-specimen: CASENT0101966.