Primary type information:
Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated, “several colonies”). Primary type localities: Cuba: Rio de Hanabana, i.-ii.1913 (
W.M. Wheeler), Cuba: Cienaga de Zapata, ca 15 mi. from Bolodron, i.-ii.1913 (
W.M. Wheeler), Cuba: Cienaga de Zapata, i.-ii.1913 (
W.M. Wheeler), Cuba: Aguada de Pasajeros, i.-ii.1913 (
W.M. Wheeler), Cuba: Cayamas (
E.A. Schwarz). Primary type depository:
Type notes:
Shattuck, 1994: 146, cites 21 worker, 1 queen, 2 male syntypes in
MCZC. 2)
Wheeler, 1913b mentions only workers, but probably there were also queens and males in the colonies he sampled.