Tapinoma luffae (Kurian, 1955) junior synonym of current valid taxon Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius, 1793)
Neoclystopsenella luffae Kurian, 1955: 133, figs. 249-255 (m.) INDIA (National Capital Territory). Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype male. Primary type locality: India: Delhi, 2.vii.1938, slide no. 92B, on Luffa, Imperial Entomologist (Kapoor). Primary type depository: FRID. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 3 paratype males. Secondary type locality: 2 paratype males with same data as holotype but slides no. 77/B, 79/B, 1 paratype male with same data as holotype but 5.vii.1938, on cowpea, slide no. 55/B. Secondary type depository: FRID. Type notes: Brown, 1988a: 337, says “type place of deposit is unknown”, which Guerrero, 2018: 500, interpreted as “type material lost”; apparently neither author checked FRID.
Obsolete combinations