Paratrechina troglodytes Weber, 1934 an obsolete combination of Nylanderia troglodytes (Weber, 1934)
Paratrechina (Nylanderia) troglodytes Weber, 1934a: 58, fig. 7 (w.) CUBA. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: 20 syntype workers. Primary type locality: Cuba: Cienfuegos, Soledad, nr Casa Harvard, 30.viii.1933 (N.A. Weber). Primary type depository: unknown (perhaps AMNH). Type notes: 1) LaPolla & Kallal, 2019: 426, say no syntypes could be found in MCZC. 2) MZSP houses 1 syntype worker (MZSP0083666), according to Mônica Antunes Ulysséa.