Patagonomyrmex odoratus (Kusnezov, 1949) valid
Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) odoratus Kusnezov, 1949c: 302, figs. 1, 2 (w.q.m.) ARGENTINA (Rio Negro). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Johnson & Moreau, 2016: 22). Primary type locality: lectotype Argentina: Rio Negro, Bariloche, Cerro Otto, 6.ii.1949, #3553 (N. Kusnezov). Primary type depository: USNM. Primary type specimen: CASENT0914807. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 37 paralectotype workers, 15 paralectotype queens, 5 paralectotype males. Secondary type locality: same data as lectotype or #3553. Secondary type depositories: IMLT, LACM, MLPA, USNM. Type notes: Other original syntype localities: Argentina (“Patagonia”): Neuquén, Hua Hum (N. Kusnezov) (invalid restriction of type locality by Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 75; no lectotype designated), Neuquén, P.N. Nahuel Huapi, Isla Victoria (N. Kusnezov), Argentina: Chubut, P.N. Los Alerces, Futalafquen (N. Kusnezov), Chubut, P.N. Los Alerces, Lago Verde (N. Kusnezov), Chubut, P.N. Los Alerces, Lago Menéndez (N. Kusnezov).
Obsolete combinations