Prionopelta minuta Ladino & Feitosa, 2020 valid
Prionopelta minuta Ladino & Feitosa, 2020: 234, figs. 23-24, 35C (w.q.) BRAZIL (Rondônia). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Brazil: Rondônia: Itapuã do Oeste, Floresta Nacional do Jamari, -9.9780 -62.9780, 03-10.iii.2016, Winkler (A.C. Ferreira & L. Cunha). Primary type depository: DZUP. Primary type specimen: DZUP549780. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 21 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: same as for holotype. Secondary type depositories and specimens: DZUP: DZUP549781, DZUP549782, DZUP549783, DZUP549784, DZUP549785, DZUP5490786, DZUP549787, DZUP549788, DZUP549789; MCZC: DZUP549790 (3 specimens); USNM: DZUP549791 (2 specimens); MZSP: DZUP549792 (3 specimens); INPA: DZUP549793 (2 specimens); ICN: DZUP549794 (2 specimens); MPEG: DZUP549795. Type notes: Ladino & Feitosa, 2020 also mention a depository ICN, which is not in their list of depositories (Ladino & Feitosa, 2020: 202).