Aenictus brutus Gómez et al., 2024 valid
Aenictus brutus Gómez et al., 2024: 6, figs. 1A, 2A-D (w.) LIBERIA (Nimba). Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Liberia: Nimba, Bt. Zolowee & Gbarpa (Sanniquellie-Mahn), 470 m, 7.45446ºN, 8.6262ºW, 30.x.2022, savannah, hand collected, foraging on ground (J. Tamas). Primary type depository: RBINS. Primary type specimen: KGCOL02854. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 7 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: same as for holotype. Secondary type depositories: AFRC, BMNH, KGAC, MNHNC, RBINS, SCPC. Secondary type specimens: KGCOL02852, KGCOL02853, KGCOL02855 to KGCOL02859. Type notes: Gómez et al., 2024: 6, cite 6 paratype workers but cite 7 paratype worker specimen codes. The number of paratype specimen codes is used here.