Colobopsis kapilashi Dhadwal & Bharti, 2024 valid
Colobopsis kapilashi Dhadwal & Bharti, 2024: 2. figs. 1-6 (s.w.) INDIA (Odisha). Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: India: Odisha, Kapilash Wildlife Sanctuary, 20.6804N, 85.7628E, 110m, handpicking, 6.ix.2021 (Tarun Dhadwal). Primary type depository: PUAC. Primary type specimen: PUAC-T201. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 20 worker paratypes. Secondary type locality: same as for holotype. Secondary type depository: PUAC. Secondary type specimens: PUAC-T205 to PUAC-T215. Type notes: The description cites 20 worker paratypes and gives measurements based on 7 major workers and 7 minor workers. It is unclear how many paratypes of each caste are present.