Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Pheidole monstrosa Wilson, 2003a 255, figs. s.w. BRAZIL (Mato Grosso)
Pheidole montana Eguchi, 1999 100, figs. 8-11 s.w.q. BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sabah)
Pheidole monteverdensis Wilson, 2003a 464, figs. s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole monticola Cameron, 1891 93, fig. s.w.q. ECUADOR
Pheidole mooreorum Wilson, 2003a 209, figs. s.w. MEXICO (Veracruz)
Pheidole moramanaensis Salata & Fisher, 2020a 143, figs. 53A-F, 85L, 87P s.w. MADAGASCAR
Pheidole mordax Smith, 1863a 22 s. INDONESIA (Misool)
Pheidole morelosana Wilson, 2003a 465, figs. s.w. MEXICO (Morelos)
Pheidole morrisi var. dentata Mayr, 1886d 457 s.w.m. U.S.A. (Virginia)
Pheidole morrisi var. impexa Wheeler, 1908h 461, pl. 27, fig. 31 s.w.q.m. U.S.A. (Texas)
Pheidole morrisii Forel, 1886b xlvi s.w. U.S.A. (New Jersey)
Pheidole morrisii var. vanceae Forel, 1901j 351 s.w.q.m. U.S.A. (North Carolina)
Pheidole moseni Wheeler, 1925a 21 s.w.q. BRAZIL
Pheidole mosenopsis Wilson, 2003a 724, figs. s.w. BOLIVIA
Pheidole moskitia Longino, 2019 46, pl. 21 s.w. HONDURAS
Pheidole multicoma Eguchi, 1999 100, figs. 6, 7 s.w. BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sabah)
Pheidole multidens Forel, 1902c 181 (diagnosis in key), 197 s.w. INDIA (Maharashtra)
Pheidole multispina Wilson, 2003a 466, figs. s.w. PANAMA (Barro Colorado)
Pheidole muralla Longino, 2019 47, pl. 17 s.w. HONDURAS
Pheidole mus Forel, 1902c 174 (diagnosis in key), 191 s.w.m. INDIA (Karnataka, West Bengal)
Pheidole musacolor Longino, 2019 48, pl. 55 s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole musinermis Longino, 2019 48, pl. 42 s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole mutisi Fernández & Wilson, 2008 207, figs. 1, 2 s.w. COLOMBIA
Pheidole mylognatha Wheeler, 1922 134, fig. 33 s.w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Pheidole myops Forel, 1902j 421 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Pheidole nana Emery, 1894d 158 s.w. BRAZIL (Mato Grosso)
Pheidole nana r. atticola Forel, 1912g 236 s.w. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Pheidole nana subsp. subreticulata var. gibbicollis Emery, 1896g 78 s.w.q. BRAZIL (Santa Catarina)
Pheidole nana var. subreticulata Emery, 1894d 159 s. BRAZIL (Mato Grosso)
Pheidole naoroji Forel, 1902c 168 (diagnosis in key), 187 s.w. INDIA (Maharashtra)
Pheidole napoensis Wilson, 2003a 725, figs. s. ECUADOR
Pheidole nasifer Wilson, 2003a 726, figs. s.w. PERU
Pheidole nasutoides Hölldobler & Wilson, 1992 19, figs. 1, 2 s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole natalie Longino, 2019 49, pl. 10 s.w. NICARAGUA
Pheidole navoatrensis Salata & Fisher, 2020a 34, figs. 18A-F, 85M, 87R s.w. MADAGASCAR
Pheidole naylae Wilson, 2003a 727, figs. w. CUBA
Pheidole nebulosa Wilson, 2003a 470, figs. s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole nemoralis Forel, 1892l 526 s.w. MADAGASCAR
Pheidole nemoralis var. petax Forel, 1895i 488 s.w. MADAGASCAR
Pheidole neokohli Wilson, 1984b 328
Pheidole neolongiceps Brown, 1950g 250
Pheidole neolongiscapa Özdikmen, 2010b 805 CHINA
Pheidole neoschultzi LaPolla, 2006 427
Pheidole nephele Longino, 2019 50, pl. 23 s.w.q. HONDURAS
Pheidole nesiota Wilson, 2003a 327, figs. s.w. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Pheidole niapuana Wheeler, 1922 136, fig. 34 s.w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Pheidole nietneri Emery, 1901h 118 s.w. SRI LANKA
Pheidole nigeriensis Santschi, 1914d 340 s. NIGERIA
Pheidole nigricula Wilson, 2003a 472, figs. s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole nigritella Bernard, 1953b 227, fig. 8C,D s.w. GUINEA