Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Pheidole penetralis Smith, 1863a 23 w. INDONESIA (Misool)
Pheidole pennsylvanica Roger, 1863a 199 s. U.S.A. (Pennsylvania)
Pheidole pepo Wilson, 2003a 730, figs. s.w. COLOMBIA
Pheidole perdiligens Wilson, 2003a 213, figs. s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole peregrina Wheeler, 1916p 181 s.w.q. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Pheidole perissothrix Longino, 2019 53, pl. 9 s.w. GUATEMALA
Pheidole perkinsi Wilson, 2003a 485, figs. s.w. DOMINICA
Pheidole perpilosa Wilson, 2003a 336, figs. s.w. U.S.A. (Arizona)
Pheidole perryorum Wilson, 2003a 215, figs. s.w. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Pheidole peruviana Wilson, 2003a 731, figs. s.w. PERU
Pheidole perversa Forel, 1908 373 s.w. BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul)
Pheidole perversa subsp. richteri Forel, 1909a 266 s.w.q. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Pheidole petersoni Wilson, 2003a 486, figs. s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole petrensis Wilson, 2003a 337, figs. s.w. MEXICO (Morelos)
Pheidole phanigaster Longino, 2009 61, fig. 17 s.w. MEXICO (Chiapas)
Pheidole philemon Forel, 1910b 44 s.w.m. SOLOMON IS
Pheidole philippi Emery, 1915e 8 s.w. ERITREA
Pheidole phipsoni Forel, 1902c 172 (diagnosis in key), 190 s.w. INDIA (Karnataka)
Pheidole pholeops Wilson, 2003a 487, figs. s.w. PERU
Pheidole picata var. bernhardae Emery, 1915i 245 s.w. MADAGASCAR
Pheidole picea Mayr, 1870b 988 s.w. MEXICO
Pheidole piceonigra Emery, 1922c 109
Pheidole picobarva Longino, 2009 63, fig. 18 s.w. COSTA RICA
Pheidole pidax Wilson, 2003a 732, figs. s.w. COLOMBIA
Pheidole pieli Santschi, 1925f 83 s.w. CHINA (Shanghai)
Pheidole pilifera subsp. anfracta Cole, 1952c 278 s.w. U.S.A. (New Mexico)
Pheidole pilifera subsp. artemisia Cole, 1933b 616 s.w. U.S.A. (Utah)
Pheidole pilifera subsp. coloradensis var. neomexicana Wheeler, 1908h 436 (in text) s.w. U.S.A. (New Mexico)
Pheidole pilifera subsp. coloradensis var. simulans Wheeler, 1908h 436 (in text) s.w. U.S.A. (New York, New Jersey)
Pheidole pilifera subsp. septentrionalis Wheeler, 1908h 437 (in text) s.w. U.S.A. (New York, Massachusetts)
Pheidole pilifera subsp. simulans Smith, 1951c 804 s.w. U.S.A. (New York, New Jersey)
Pheidole pilifera var. coloradensis Emery, 1895d 290 s.w. U.S.A. (Colorado)
Pheidole pilispina Wilson, 2003a 733, figs. s.w. PANAMA
Pheidole pilosior Wilson, 2003a 157, figs. s.w. U.S.A. (Texas)
Pheidole pinealis Wheeler, 1908h 459, pl. 27, fig. 38 s.w. U.S.A. (Texas)
Pheidole pinicola Wilson, 2003a 158, figs. s.w. MEXICO (Hidalgo)
Pheidole plagiaria Smith, 1860b 112 s.w. INDONESIA (Bacan)
Pheidole plagiaria r. palawanica Stitz, 1925c 118 s. PHILIPPINES (Palawan)
Pheidole plagiaria var. moica Forel, 1911f 380 s.w. VIETNAM
Pheidole plagiaria var. rectilineata Viehmeyer, 1916b 288 s. INDONESIA (Sulawesi) (in copal)
Pheidole planidorsum Eguchi, 2001b 91, fig. 35 s.w.q. BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sabah)
Pheidole planifrons Santschi, 1920h 166, fig. 1 s.w. VIETNAM
Pheidole plato Wilson, 2003a 147, figs. s.w. ECUADOR
Pheidole platycephala Stitz, 1916 380, fig. 3 s.w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Pheidole platypus Crawley, 1915b 234 s.w. AUSTRALIA (Northern Territory)
Pheidole platyscapa Longino, 2019 53, pl. 43 s.w. NICARAGUA
Pheidole plebecula Forel, 1899e 68 s. COSTA RICA
Pheidole plinii Forel, 1911a 40 s.w.q. SINGAPORE
Pheidole podargea Salata & Fisher, 2020a 85, figs. 33A-F, 85R, 88B s.w. MADAGASCAR
Pheidole polymorpha Wilson, 2003a 592, figs. s.w. MEXICO (Mexico)