Eurhopalothrix procera malua (Mann, 1919) junior synonym of current valid taxon Eurhopalothrix procera (Emery, 1897)
Rhopalothrix procera subsp. malua Mann, 1919: 358, figs. 36-38 (w.q.m.) SOLOMON IS (Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Malapaina, Santa Isabel, Rendova). Australasia.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers, syntype queens, syntype males (numbers not stated, “a large series”). Primary type localities: Solomon Is: Santa Cruz I., Graciosa Bay, 19.v.-24.xi.1916 1916 (W.M. Mann), Solomon Is: San Cristobal I. (= Makira I.), Pamua, Wainoni Bay, and Wai-ai, 1916 (W.M. Mann), Solomon Is: Three Sisters Is, Malapaina I., 19.v.-24.xi.1916 (W.M. Mann), Solomon Is: Santa Isabel I., Fulakora, 19.v.-24.xi.1916 (W.M. Mann), Solomon Is: Rendova I. , 19.v.-24.xi.1916 (W.M. Mann). Primary type depositories: MCZC, USNM.
Obsolete combinations