Ponera trigona Mayr, 1887 an obsolete combination of Hypoponera trigona (Mayr, 1887)
Ponera punctatissima var. trigona Mayr, 1887: 537 (w.q.) BRAZIL (Santa Catarina). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Kempf, 1962b: 10). Primary type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina (L. Hetschko). Primary type depository: NHMW. Type notes: 1) Kempf, 1962b: 10, warns “three workers, labelled “trigona” “Typus”, received from the Mayr collection (NHMW), represent three discrete species”. 2) Further syntypes from the original series remain in NHMW.

Extant: 0 valid subspecies (3 obsolete combinations)