Camponotus quercicola Smith, 1954 junior synonym of current valid taxon Camponotus laevigatus (Smith, 1858)
Camponotus (Camponotus) quercicola Smith, 1954b: 211 (w.) U.S.A. (California). Nearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype major worker. Primary type locality: U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles County, Tanbark Flat, ca 2700 ft, 15.vii.1952 (T.C. Lawrence). Primary type depository: USNM. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 78 paratype major and minor workers. Secondary type locality: same as for holotype. Secondary type depositories: AMNH, CASC, MCZC, USNM. Type notes: Original description says 6 paratypes are in the T.C. Lawrence personal collection; whereabouts unknown.