Dolichoderus affinis Emery, 1889 valid
Dolichoderus affinis Emery, 1889: 508, pl. 11, fig. 20 (w.) MYANMAR. Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated). Primary type localities: Myanmar (“Burma”): Tenasserim, Thagata, 1885-87 (L. Fea), Myanmar: Tenasserim, Kawkareet, 1885-87 (L. Fea). Primary type depositories: MHNG, MSNG. Type notes: 1) Shattuck, 1994: 41, cites 3 worker syntypes in MHNG. 2) 2 syntypee workers in MSNG. Only one has an original determination label and a 'type' label, but both lack original locality labels. However, both have the same printed label with 'Tenasserim; Thagatà; Fea. Apr. 1887' found on the 3 syntypes in MHNG. 3) It is unclear where the syntypes from Kawkareet may be. [Z. Lieberman 23.Oct.2024]
Junior synonyms
Current subspecies (nominal plus)

Extant: 2 valid subspecies (1 synonym)