Camponotus atriceps stercorarius Forel, 1885 an obsolete combination of Camponotus stercorarius Forel, 1885
Camponotus atriceps r. stercorarius Forel, 1885a: 340 (s.w.q.m.) GUATEMALA. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype major and workers, syntype queens, syntype males (numbers not stated). Primary type localities: Guatemala: (no further data) (O. Stoll) (invalid restriction of type locality by Kempf, 1972b: 60; no lectotype designated), Antigua: (no further data) (O. Stoll). Primary type depository: MHNG. Type notes: Hashmi, 1973b: 85, cites 3 worker, 3 queen, 3 male syntypes in MHNG; he also mentions 2 worker “syntypes” from Peru, a locality not included in the original description.