Primary type information:
Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Argentina: Neuquén, Departamento Collón Curá, 6.3 km E Jct Rts 237 & 40, 40º25.1’S 70º36.0’W, 2800’ (850 m), 24.i.2011, #4638 (R.A. Johnson). Primary type depository: MACN. Primary type specimen: CASENT0280988.
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: 45 paratype workers, 16 paratype dealate queens. Secondary type locality: 30 paratype workers with same data as holotype; 15 paratype workers with same data as holotype but #4637; 16 paratype dealate queens with same data as holotype but #4639. Secondary type depositories: IFML, LACM, MACN, MCZC, RAJC, UCDC, USNM.