Pogonomyrmex carnivora Santschi, 1925 junior synonym of current valid taxon Pogonomyrmex serpens Santschi, 1922
Pogonomyrmex cunicularis var. carnivora [sic] Santschi, 1925e: 155, fig. 2 (w.) Note: cunicularis is a misspelling of Pogonomyrmex cunicularius. ARGENTINA (Santa Fe). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Johnson, 2015: 56). Primary type locality: lectotype Argentina: Fives Lille, #1614 (V. Weiser). Primary type depository: MACN. Primary type specimen: CASENT0249054 (lectotype). Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 6 paralectotype workers. Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depositories: MACN, MZSP. Type notes: Other original syntypes perhaps in NHMB.
Obsolete combinations