Strumigenys bequaerti Santschi, 1923 valid
Strumigenys (Xephaloxys) bequaerti [sic] Santschi, 1923e: 286 (w.) Strumigenys (Xephaloxys) is a misspelling of Strumigenys (Cephaloxys). DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated). Primary type locality: Democratic Republic of the Congo: W side Ruwenzori Mts, Butagu Valley, ca 2200 m., 10.vii.1914 (J. Bequaert). Primary type depositories: BMNH, MCZC, MRAC, NHMB. Primary type specimens: CASENT0900058, CASENT0912832. Type notes: Type data in part from Brown, 1952h: 80 (in text).