Primary type information:
Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: holotype Japan: Honshu, Kanagawa Pref., Manazuru, 4.iv.1968, 20.x.1968, 5.i.1973 (
M. Kubota). Primary type depository:
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: >38 paratype workers, >8 paratype queens, >2 paratype males. Secondary type localities: 38 paratype workers, 8 paratype queens, 2 paratype males with same data as holotype, paratype workers, queens, males Japan: Honshu, Shizuoka Pref., Hamaoka, 15.xi.1976 (
R. Egawa), Japan: Honshu, Chiba Pref., Kiyosumiyama, viii.1976 (
T. Kannari), Japan: Honshu, Wakayama Pref., Shirahama, 6.i.1971 (
M. Kubota), Japan: Kyushu, Miyazaki Pref., Miyazaki-jingu, 18.vii.1971 (
M. Shindo). Secondary type depositories:
Type notes:
1) Only numbers of specimens from the type locality (Manazuru, 3 nest series) are detailed, paratypes from other localities are not enumerated. 2) Date of collection of holotype is not specified.